Electrical equipment failure can account for thousands of dollars in lost productivity, machinery repair and/or replacement. Moreover, the risk of breakdowns is higher in situations where there is no electrical preventative maintenance. Can your business afford the high cost of downtime? Or worse still, workplace injuries and damage to your business reputation?
B-Safe Electric minimizes your risks and liabilities. We offer skilled electrical preventative maintenance services to keep your machinery and business running smoothly. Why wait till you have a problem? Regular checks and servicing by our professional commercial electrical contractors can identify and fix small issues before they become expensive repair or replacement jobs. More importantly, we can help ensure that you are not paying unnecessarily high utility bills.
We use infrared scans to survey your mechanical equipment and report on each machine’s condition, discovering bearing wear, lubrication problems, hot spots, and more. Our reports detail all noted conditions.
Contact B-Safe Electric, your preferred industrial electrical contractor in the GTA today. Call 905 87 B-SAFE (905 872-7233) and receive 10% off your first invoice for electrical preventative maintenance.
Only a trained and experienced industrial or commercial contractor should be allowed to perform electrical preventative maintenance. It is a highly specialized and dangerous job that impacts the safety of individuals on your premises.
B-Safe Electric gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that only licensed commercial contractors will be assigned to do the job.
Improve equipment efficiency, prevent unnecessary downtime and reduce utility bills.
Call us today at 905-872-7233 to assess your equipment and provide a free quote for skilled electrical preventative maintenance services.
"I would like to THANK YOU for the great job you did on the Baylis Cleanroom.
I understand that schedule is tight and the job during the holiday season, but you still manage to install all of the electrical requirement.
Million Thanks to you and you staff!."